Monthly Archives: September 2012

“Designated Texter” Hopes to Change Trend on Texting-and-Driving Accidents

In the past year, we have talked a lot about the dangers of texting and driving and new technologies designed to curb this deadly trend. Parents and educators have tried scaring teens with PSAs and real-life stories of people whose lives were ruined when a friend or family member decided to text and drive. The answer to texting and driving, though, might be a heck of a lot easier (and cheaper) than any of these high-tech bells and whistles and more effective than scare tactics.

“Designated driver” is a term that is very familiar to any driver old enough to drink. It means that when a person chooses to drink, they willingly give up their car keys to a sober driver or arrange for a taxi pick-up at the end of the night. Similarly, the new term “designated texter” indicates someone in the car other than the driver who will place any calls or send any texts for the car. For example, if a group of friends are driving to a party but get lost on the way, the designated texter can call or text to get directions.

Honestly, I am shocked that no one came up with this idea before. It is simple, doesn’t cost anything, and is purely common sense. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is hoping that the idea catches on, and at Approved Loan Store, we hope so too. We want all of our customers to be safe on the road and encourage our readers to use common sense whenever they get behind the wheel. Whether it means getting a designated driver or assigning a designated texter, do what you need to do in order to stay safe and keep others safe on the road.

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