Lower Your Graduate Debt by Picking the Right School

Before looking at student loans and comparing interest rates, there is an easy step that people often miss in preventing high debt post-graduation: picking the right school.

Last week, U.S. News released their rankings of schools whose students had the most and least post-graduation debt. These rankings were determined by the percentage of students who took out loans and the average total indebtedness per student graduating in 2010. Schools that performed better typically had more opportunities for student employment, scholarships, and grants.

Topping the list of schools with the least debt was Alice Lloyd College in Kentucky where 32 percent of students took out loans and owed an average of $3,108 post-graduation. Following closely is Princeton University with 24 percent of students taking out loans with an average of $4,385 debt after graduation. The highest rate of borrowing on this list was East-West University of Illinois in ninth place with 80 percent of students taking out loans and graduating with an average of $7,000 in debt.

Now, prospective students are getting bombarded with glossy flyers and sucked in with new fitness facilities, bigger fine arts centers, or a better cafeteria. Post-graduation debt is a problem that seems far away when taking college tours, but it is something that cannot be overlooked. A degree no longer guarantees work. Jobs for graduates are harder to find, and if the economy does not improve in the next few years, future graduates might be stuck out of work with a mountain of debt.

You can view the full list of the Top Ten Schools with Least 2010 Graduate Debt here, and if you are looking for a student loan, learn more and apply for a loan here. You can also follow Approved Loan Store on Facebook here.

Image: Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net