Auto Sales Per Franchise Get Boost, Chrysler and VW Lead

In 2012 and so far in 2013, the auto industry has posted incredibly strong numbers, steadily building from one month to the next. As auto sales have risen, auto makers have held steady with the number of franchises with very few dropping stores and a few adding stores. This raises the question of whether there is enough demand to support all of these franchises. Fortunately, for now the answer is yes.

Last year, sales per store were on average up 15 percent. Chrysler and VW led the pack with 36 percent and 32 percent increases respectively. New vehicle sales have gone up 13 percent overall, and the average number of new-vehicle sales per franchise has gone up as well.

Chrysler was one of the bolder automakers in 2012. They were confident enough to add 55 franchises that year, even if it meant the number of sales per franchise was lower than the overall industry average. So far, it looks like their gamble might pay off with their sales per franchise is still growing, and they will be pulling in amazing numbers if all of their dealerships start matching the overall industry average.

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Image courtesy of jscreationzs /