Tag Archives: obesity

Reuters: Lose Weight, Improve Car’s Fuel Efficiency

If you want your car to be more fuel-efficient, Reuters has a novel idea: lose weight.

A recent statistic shows that gasoline consumption has gone up along with the needle on American’s scales. According to the study, Americans in 2012 compared to Americans in the 1960s are wasting 1 billion gallons of gas in their cars.

Where are those 1 billion gallons going? Well, Americans in 2012 on average weigh more than Americans in the 1960s, and it takes 1 billion gallons more to power their cars. Across the country, Americans could be getting a better gas mileage on their cars and spending less at the pump by getting their weight down to the average American’s weight in the 1960s.

Of course, you can’t turn a gas-guzzler into a hybrid just by dropping a dress size, and Approved Loan Store can help you find a more fuel-efficient car in your price range. Fill out an auto loan application online here, and keep up with the latest news from the auto industry by liking Approved Loan Store on Facebook and following Approved Loan Store on Twitter.

Image: dream designs / FreeDigitalPhotos.net