Tag Archives: Smart Car

HIRIKO Cars and the Future of City Driving

Earlier this week, we told you about a survey rating the worst cities in America when it came to time wasted in traffic. New York City came in second place, beating out Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. As bad as traffic is, though, parking in New York City might possibly be worse. Finding a parking spot can be a frustrating experience, and drivers wish their cars could fold in half and squeeze into those small spaces.

As it so happens, the HIRIKO Project wants to make the dream of a fold-able car into a reality. The HIRIKO is a fully electric car built for city driving. Based on MIT’s citycar concept, the vehicle comfortably seats 2 people. When the driver is ready to park, the front egg-like section slides back, and the car becomes half of its normal length and smaller than the tiny Smart Cars currently on the market now.

For anyone who has ever driven in a big city like New York, this is a game-changer. HIRIKO might not be practical for families or people who need trunk space, but it is perfect for a couple going out for a night on the town or someone who has to do a lot of city driving on a daily basis. Besides that, I get such a kick out of watching them fold up. It is like watching a sci-fi movie coming to life. I almost expect to see characters from Tron climbing out of the car with the black jumpsuits and neon stripes.

Check out the HIRIKO in action below.

The HIRIKO won’t be on the market for awhile yet, but Approved Loan Store can help you find the right car for your needs. City driving, country driving, couple, single, family, we can find the right car for you! Fill out our secure online auto loan application here, and we will set up an appointment with a Special Finance Representative. Also, keep up with the latest from Approved Loan Store by liking Approved Loan Store on Facebook, following Approved Loan Store on Twitter, and subscribing to Approved Loan Store on YouTube.